面会交流等離別後の子の養育に関する裁判の評価報告書 目次
英国司法省 / 2020年6月
Assessing Risk of Harm to Children and Parents in
Private Law Children Cases
Final Report
Assessing risk of harm to children and parents in private law children cases - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
第1章 共同代表によるイントロダクション(Introduction from the joint chairs:13)
第2章 委員会における作業の進め方について(2. How the panel went about its work:15)
第3章 法的枠組(3. The Legal Framework:25)
第4章 ドメスティック・アビューズ(DA)その他の危害リスクを扱う難しさ
(4. Challenges in addressing domesticabuse and other risks of harm:39)
第5章 DAの主張と立証(5. Raising and evidencing domestic abuse:48)
第6章 子どもの声(Children’s voices)(6. Children’s voices:67)
第7章 申立への対応方法(7. How allegations are dealt with:84)
第8章 法廷での安全と経験(8. Safety and experiences at court:108)
第9章 裁判所の命令(9. Orders made:131)
第10章 裁判所の命令により生じる危害(10. Harm arising from family court orders:148)
第11章 勧告(11. Recommendations:171)
Annex A: List of Acronyms:188
Annex B: Review of Case Law:190
• Professor Rosemary Hunter FAcSS, University of Kent
• Professor Mandy Burton, University of Leicester
• Professor Liz Trinder, University of Exeter Panel Members
• Melissa Case & Nicola Hewer, Director of Family and Criminal Justice Policy, MoJ (Joint Chairs)
• Neil Blacklock, Development Director, Respect
• Eleri Butler, Chief Executive, Welsh Women’s Aid
• Lorraine Cavanagh QC & Deirdre Fottrell QC (joint representatives), Association of Lawyers for Children
• Mr Justice Stephen Cobb, Judiciary
• Nicki Norman, Acting Chief Executive, Women’s Aid Federation of England
• District Judge Katherine Suh, Judiciary
• Isabelle Trowler, Chief Social Worker for England (Children & Families)